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Bekah Marie Weideman

Holistic Therapies 

Ashburn, VA providing services worldwide on Zoom.

One thing I'm seeing a lack of in the world is true authentic joy.
I'm here to change that,
one heart at a time.


My Story - Brokenesss, Redemption, REBIRTH 

People often ask me if I was born with this gift. The answer isn't as easy as yes or no.

I remember from a very young age seeing things, knowing things, and hearing things. I've done many past life regressions, and in each life, I've been a healer. I've known intuitively my whole life, but I spent many years ignoring my gifts.

Because these things aren't considered "normal," there was a long period of my life when I shut them out. That was the cause of the deep depression I suffered because I wasn't being true to myself and to my life calling. I'd stopped listening to my inner voice, and I allowed the expectations of others to define me.

After a long battle with autoimmune disease, deeper depression than I have words to describe due to Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, crippling anxiety, and chronic insomnia, along with fibromyalgia, migraines, and a spinal injury, I'd given up hope.

I was on pain management, using Epidural Blocks, Fentanyl Patches, and Dilaudid for breakthrough pain. One day, I realized I had two choices: to continue to allow the world to define me and remain miserable, or define myself and find true joy. This is the day my life changed.

I now know life is meant to be experienced and lived, and I know joy is there for those who seek it. I've been off all of those medications since.

I decided to start training in healing modalities that would continue this self-healing and self-discovery. While my first level of training totally changed my life, in my heart, I knew something was missing (for me). It was then I decided to take my training to a bigger level. I started working with world-renowned experts and leaders in alternative therapies. I'd found for myself, alternative therapies were what had the power to change rather than disguise.

I'd been hiding behind diagnoses and ailments for many years. What needed to happen was I needed to get honest about who I was.

I had to stop hiding my gifts. I had to seek God with my whole heart. I had to find God within, in a way I never knew before. Being raised as a pastor's daughter, I had a very real understanding of the God of the Bible. Who I didn't know was the God who knew me. Knew me inside out. Because He made me. Accepted me just as I was. When the world told me I wasn't enough, I had to get to know the Spirit inside.

I trained in healing modalities for myself because it was what my soul told me I needed. In my training, it became very apparent why. My entire life changed when I started listening to my Spirit. I am not the same person who started on this road. I am truly changed.

What I came to realize is that our beliefs create our reality. My body had responded to my beliefs and had followed through on them. It was through these multiple disciplines I healed myself from fibromyalgia and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, which is a major depressive disorder, and transformed my entire life!


I continue to heal. The way healing has happened for me has been an evolution. As I uncover another level of myself, I start to work on healing it. I've been transformed from the inside out. Medical issues, emotional issues, physical issues. You name it, I've probably worked through it. I had used so many therapies for many years in my healing journey and found them lacking.

Thankfully, that kept me searching. As much as I loved aspects of different therapies, I found something lacking.


Both, I've had my entire life, so it felt a bit like trying to hug someone with a sandpaper sweater on.


There was no soul-to-soul connection.

It has truly become my passion to help women find joy and healing, just as I have.

I use the same tools that I used to set myself free and pair them with EMPATHY and INTUITIVE AWARENESS.

I have had the blessing of helping countless clients all over the world experience life-changing results! I am so grateful to be part of their healing journey. Together we are releasing your limitations, allowing you to embrace FREEDOM and finding true, lasting JOY.

Journey to Joy is the custom program that I created based on years of working with women and seeing the struggles they have, and what works to BREAK FREE!

Please schedule an application call to discover if you would be a good fit for Journey to Joy. I am committed to only taking those I am confident I can help.

One of my deepest joys is seeing my clients SET FREE!

Are you ready to RECLAIM JOY? Apply to work with me here. 

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© 2024 by Bekah Marie Weideman, BC. CHYP. RKRMT.  


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